Refund and Return Policy
Order Cancellation
Once the product is processed (12 hours), including order verification, production, assembly, quality inspection, packaging and shipped, we will no longer accept any cancellation of orders. However, as long as the package has not been processed, we can cancel your order and provide a full refund. Let us know at if you wish to cancel your order within 12 hours after placing it. Don't forget to include your order number and the reason for cancellation.
We hope every product you purchase from us to meet or exceed your expectations, but we fully understand that this may not always be possible. However, we are more than willing to work with you to find a mutually agreeable solution.
Our policy lasts 14 days of delivery date. If 14 days have gone by since your package was delivered, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
We can offer a refund or exchange within 14 days.
Note: As wooden music boxes are crafted from natural wood, their distinctive patterns and grains are not defects but rather evidence of their authenticity and character.
If you have purchased a blank product (meaning you chose no engraving or customization), we can offer a refund or exchange within 14 days.
Exceptions / Non-returnable: If you have purchased a customized product (meaning you chose engraving or customization), we can't offer a refund or exchange.
To return your product, you should email us at
We will provide the shipping address for returns, and customers are responsible for the cost of return. Once we receive the package, a refund will be processed, and you will receive the refund within 3-7 business days. To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.
For a refund, we only accept the products which arrive in a several condition :
Damaged or missing parts of our products.
Product functional defects.
Received wrong products or an engraving error / a customized tune error.
To complete your refund, we require the listed as below :
- 1. Your order ID.
- 2. A detailed description of your issues.
- 3. Please provide clear pictures of the damaged part(s), and if it's a functional issue, include an operation video.
- 4. A picture of the product shipping labels.
- 5. A picture of the product outer packing box.
Send an EMAIL to Once we confirm your issue, we will enter the warranty process and help you fix your issue.
We encourage you to carefully review the product descriptions, specifications, and images before making a purchase. If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding a particular product, please feel free to contact our customer service team. They will be more than happy to assist you.
If your refund is approved, it will typically be processed and returned to your original payment method within 3-7 business days.
We promise to undergo strict quality inspections and safely transport packaging before shipping to each of our customers. However, there are certain uncertainties, such as rough handling during transportation by shipping companies and natural disaster conditions, which may result in product issues. If these issues can be easily resolved, we will provide technical tutorials to guide you on how to repair or offer free replacement of some parts. All of this is aimed at saving you valuable time. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Delayed or missing refunds
If you haven't received your refund, check your original payment account again first.
Then, contact your credit card company or payment provider, as the refund procedure may take some time before it is completed.
If all attempts to obtain a refund have failed, please contact us at for assistance.
In certain situations, we offer a partial refund of 50%:
1.Customer's Mistake: If the product was not delivered to you due to your own mistake, it may be because of the following reasons:
- a: Incomplete Address Information (Street, Door Number, Apartment Number, etc., must be complete).
- b: No Recipient Information (Please ensure that there is recipient information; otherwise, the package may be returned to the local post office).
2. The National Post Service (USPS) and FedEx or DHL to handle the delivery of your package during working days. Once the package arrives in your country, they typically aim to deliver it on the next working day. However, if the delivery attempt fails and you don't claim your package within 15 days (Standard Shipping) or 5 days (Expedited Shipping), it may be returned. To avoid any problems, make sure to regularly check the tracking code provided. Sometimes, your package might be held at the post office until you come to collect it. Please remember that we cannot take responsibility for any issues that arise during this process, so stay informed about the latest updates regarding your purchased items.
For the above 2 situations, we offer customers 2 options:
- 1. Half-refund from the net purchase amount (not include the shipping cost).
- 2. Replacement to the customer.
- We can re-send the package to the customer even though the first package is not delivered because of customer's failure. T&C applied :
- customer pay 20% of the purchase amount (it's additional for our operational cost, shipping cost, etc.).
- we will ship out the good again to the customer's address (make sure it's a complete address).
- Please patiently wait for the new replacement!